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Unfailing Love

16th April 2012


Psalm 63:3
"Your unfailing love is better than life itself."

The scriptures have many words to describe God's love.
Here is but one.
God's "unfailing love."
"Unfailing" means that it is always available for us.
Its richness never decreases, or ceases.
It is true that his love for us
is always greater than our love for him.

Have you ever used this word to describe
your love for your husband, wife or family?
I wonder whether this word
can apply only to God's love for us?

Is it any wonder that the O.T.
speaks of God's love as a covenant love?
As with God's covenant,
so his love will be everlasting
for us, our children and our children's children.

The most valuable thing we each have
as human beings is our lives.
Yet God's "unfailing love"
is more valuable to us
than our own life.
We can give away all our worldly goods
but still not lose that life.
Without our lives each of us is dead.

It is only Jesus who can say
"If you give up your life for my sake
you will save it."

Paul says concerning our faith, hope and love
"The greatest of these is love."

Bob Imms 15.4.12



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