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Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom

24th May 2010


2Cor 3:17
"The Lord is the Spirit,
and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom."

What wonderful freedom
Peter experienced after Pentecost.
He preached and immediately
"there were added that day about three thousand souls."
Later another five thousand became Christ's followers.
All this happened because
"the Spirit gives life," and "The Lord is the Spirit."

At Pentecost our focus is on the Holy Spirit
and what His presence meant for the early Church.
It was the way God equipped His apostles
to lead His Church.

All this happened because it was the Holy Spirit who
freed them of their fears, uncertainties and doubts.
"Freedom," comes because Jesus promised it
through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

This "freedom" becomes real for us
as we allow the Holy Spirit to
"guide you into all truth," as Jesus promised.
This all happens because Jesus said
"If the Son shall set you free
you are free indeed."

It's only as we acknowledge the Triune God
that the effects of Pentecost become real for us.
The Apostles, and us, are challenged to be
"My witnesses...even to the ends of the earth."

Bob Imms 23.5.10

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