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You will live

24th April 2012


John 14:18
"I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you.
Because I live you will live also."

The Crucified Christ and these words are inseparable.
The more I read the Gospels the more I discover
the wonders of His gifts to us.
Often He called His disciples "Little children".
That is how He saw them.
The promise is "I will come to you"
not "you will come to Me."

Jesus always takes the initiative.
He is the mover and shaker.
And we come to Him because He makes it possible.

His promise is "You shall live also."
Our living and very existence is because He lives.
Here again we are reminded of
the timeless Lord and His eternal words.

Thank goodness He is not tied
to our human time frame.
How difficult it is for us to free ourselves
from our human bondage and at the same time
remain as His light in the world.

The unbelievable joy is that
He does truly come to us each one,
and does not leave us "orphans."

It is the joy of being a part of God's family
that enables us to more adequately remain
connected to Him
and at the same time to this world.

Bob Imms 22.4.12




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