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Max Champion

The Godforsaken Cross

Max Champion (Matthew 27: 27-54) Good Friday 22 April 2011

Turmoil in Jerusalem

Max Champion (Matthew 21 and 26) Sunday 17 April 2011 

True Insights

Max Champion (John 9: 1-41) Sunday 3 April 2011

Stewardship of the Mysteries of God

Max Champion (2 Corinthians 9:1-15) Sunday 27 March 2011

The Temptations of Jesus

Max Champion (Matthew 4: 1-11) Sunday 13 March 2011


The Transfiguration of Jesus

Max Champion (Matthew17:1-13) Sunday 06 March 2011


Be Not Anxious

Max Champion (Matthew 6:24-34) Sunday 27 February 2011

On Anger and Lust

Max Champion (Matthew 5:17-22,27-30) Sunday 13 February 2011

Salt of the Earth

Max Champion (Matthew 5:13-16) 06 February 2011


True Happiness

Max Champion (Matthew 5:1-12) Sunday 30 January 2011