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Turmoil in Jerusalem

Max Champion (Matthew 21 and 26) Sunday 17 April 2011 

True Insights

Max Champion (John 9: 1-41) Sunday 3 April 2011

Living Life to the Full

Rob Tann on John 10: 7-15, reflecting that the Christian community's future is actually demonstrating to our community that life in Christ, life in its fullness, is here for the taking.

Stewardship of the Mysteries of God

Max Champion (2 Corinthians 9:1-15) Sunday 27 March 2011

The Temptations of Jesus

Max Champion (Matthew 4: 1-11) Sunday 13 March 2011


The Transfiguration of Jesus

Max Champion (Matthew17:1-13) Sunday 06 March 2011


Be Not Anxious

Max Champion (Matthew 6:24-34) Sunday 27 February 2011

On Anger and Lust

Max Champion (Matthew 5:17-22,27-30) Sunday 13 February 2011

Salt of the Earth

Max Champion (Matthew 5:13-16) 06 February 2011


True Happiness

Max Champion (Matthew 5:1-12) Sunday 30 January 2011